I love play-on-words and symbolism in my titles. My book Cleanse Fire doesn't have chapter titles, instead it's just the chapter number (Chapter One, Chapter Two, etc). But in my story Burden of Prophecy I do.
I love play-on-words and symbolism in my titles. My book Cleanse Fire doesn't have chapter titles, instead it's just the chapter number (Chapter One, Chapter Two, etc). But in my story Burden of Prophecy I do.
S is for Support (Fantastic Friday Writers)
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, Fantastic Friday Writers, WritingI'm very lucky to have a man that supports my writing. He gives me plenty of time to write by letting me stay up late (and then sleeping in) while he cares for our son. He'll even take the little man out of the house for a few hours on his days off so I can work in peace.
I know many people whose spouses don't support their writing at all and it makes me realize just how lucky I really am. Sure, my husband does get a little jealous sometimes as I do get caught up in my work and forget to spend time with him. But he never tells me I can't do it or that I need to stop doing it or that I shouldn't do it. He just reminds me (and sometimes begs in his own way) for me to spend some time with him.
It's great to have that kind of support. Sure, he doesn't crit my work or help me with plot issues really, but it's nice to know he supports my dream in his own way. Like I said, he doesn't crit my stories or anything like that, but he does give the time and space to write the stories in the first place.
And after all, isn't that what every writer needs? Time and space to write?
Do you have any support like this from your spouse or friends or family? For those that don't, how do you keep writing and following the journey?
Hop over to the rest of the Fantastic Friday Writers to see what they say about today's topic.
Q is for Query Letters
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, PublishingEnjoy! And please tell me what you think. (Unedited first draft)
Dear [Agent]:
Captain Derac Vidor would die for his country but before he can defeat a vengeful wizard, he must first open his heart to a love far deeper than he’s willing to explore.
Derac sacrifices everything for the sake of Kinir’s people. Haunted by those he could save, he throws himself into mission after mission. His world shatters when his own Commander tries to kill him and his team.
On the run, Derac and the team try to discover why their Commander betrayed them. Treason is only the beginning. No place is safe as their footsteps are shadowed by something even more sinister.
A wizard out for revenge, plots to kill them all. But he and Derac have more in
common than they realize. Who better than Derac to convince the wizard revenge
will not bring his wife back or each the pain of her loss? If only Derac can
face his own past in time to save the Kinir Elite.
CLEANSE FIRE: THE KINIR ELITE CHRONICLES, a Fantasy Adventure novel, is complete at approximately 75,000 words. It is the first book of a continuing adventure series. I currently have six more books planned, with plenty of room for more.
I plan to market this book on my own website and all three blogs I write for. I will also
be using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. The Kinir
Elite have their own website, where the characters roam free and write their own
blog. I also have plans for a virtual blog tour, a virtual book signing, and a
live book signings in Columbus, Georgia and surrounding areas.
A new author with a growing fan base, I have many large projects in the works. I am
owner of Inkwell University Writing Workshop, a place for writers to gather and
learn from each other online. I’m an avid member of the online writing
community, writing two blogs to support writers and share my experience in this
industry. I also design websites for authors, to help them set up their online
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Anastasia V. Pergakis
P is for Partners
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, Editing/Critiquing This one I made it black and white then added the fancy little border there so it can look nice in the front of the books. But AutoREALM allows you to make them in color if you like. The program comes with great little icons and markers so you can make your map as detailed as you want to. I made this one pretty general, leaving out rivers and such as I only have one book done so far. As the series contiues and the characters travel around their world more, the map will no doubt be added to to show the new locations.
Do you make maps for your worlds? I know some people draw them by hand! Crazy. I much prefer using programs with fancy icons and such to help me. Besides, it's much easier to edit on my computer than it is by hand (especially if I decide a city needs to change location).
L is for Language (Making your own!)
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, LanguagesDerac held his arms out to her and she stepped into his warm embrace. She breathed deep, inhaling the scent of ginger on his body.“I always feel safe in your arms,” she mumbled into his chest. She snorted. “Gods, that sounded stupid.”His chuckle vibrated against her cheek. “No, it doesn’t. I like holding you too.”She titled her head back to gaze up to his face. His emerald pools entranced her and she couldn’t look away. A sliver of moon light shine on his face and made his eyes glow.His hand rested on her cheek, his thumb tracing small circles. Kie’s lips parted of their own volition. Her breath hitched as he leaned closer. His mouth hovered just above hers.A small whimper escaped her throat. His lips brushed across hers in a feather light touch. Her chest ached from holding her breath. She pressed against the hard planes of his chest, urging him to keep going.A twig snapped. Derac’s body stiffened. He gripped her waist and threw her over his head into the tree. She choked down a scream and grabbed the nearest branch. Her leg wrapped around it and she settled on her stomach.
J is for Jargon
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, CharacterizationH is for Hero (and Heroines)
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, Characterization- Mental deficiency (like a learning disability)
- Emotional problems
- Social problems I include this on this list since phychologists do have a thing called "Social Anxiety Disorder", (I suffer from this by the way.) that makes it hard for the person with the disorder to talk to others, be in a crowd, or other social types of activities without having an anxiety - or in my case a panic attack.
- Physical disabilities like a missing limb or other types of permanent injuries from a long ago accident can prevent the hero from always being able to do what they need to.
- Baggage - and I don't meant the emotional kind here. I mean heros or heroines that say, are married to a total evil person intent on bringing them down, something tangible and physical that haunts them now, not just emotional baggage inside their head/heart sort of thing. This can also include single parents, as children can often prevent or delay the "quest" of the hero/ine because they must be cared for first. So, this aspect isn't always negative, perse.
G is for Genre (Fantastic Friday Writers)
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, Fantastic Friday Writers- A setting in which the primary world does not exist. (ex. The Wheel of Time)
- The secondary world is entered through a portal from the primary world. (ex. Alice in Wonderland)
- A distinct world-within-a-world as part of the primary world. (ex. Harry Potter)
F is for Fin
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, Editing/Critiquing, WritingHis quick reflexes didn't help when the wall next to them exploded. They both sprawled over the edge and slammed into the stairs below. He covered her body with his own until the rocks and debris stopped raining down on them. Derac glanced up and saw a group of dwarves rushing towards them. He craned his neck further to see the level above.
"Get them out of here, Tyn!" he yelled.
The dwarves swarmed them and dragged them further down into the cavern. They were thrown into a small cell; the solid iron door slammed shut behind them.
E is for Editng
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: A-Z Challenge 2011, Editing/Critiquing"Thank you, Captain Vidor for rescuing our fellows." Lynusion, Captain of the Tinally Elite said."It is our pleasure. They have been fed and given water. A few needed basic healing treatment but will need more care to fully heal. Sadly, many of their feather have been plucked. Do they grow back? Will they be able to fly again?""Plucked out?""Yes. I assume the dwarves did it as a form of punishment. Maybe even a souvenir.""They do grow back, but it takes years.""But they will be able to fly again?""Eventually."
"Thank you, Captain Vidor for rescuing our fellows," Lynusion, Captain of the Tinally Elite said.
Derac smirked at his friend. The faery’s jet black hair shined in the sunlight – as always. Derac ran his hand through his own hair and cringed at the dirt he felt in the black strands.
"It is our pleasure. They have been fed and given water. A few needed basic healing treatment but will need more care in order to fully heal." Derac paused and lowered his voice. "Sadly, many of their feathers have been plucked. Do they grow back? Will they be able to fly again?”
Lynusion’s eyes watered and he swallowed hard. “Plucked out?”
“Yes. I assume the dwarves used it as a form of punishment. Maybe even a souvenir.”
“They do grow back but it takes years," Lynusion whispered.
Derac hung his head. “But they will be able to fly again?”
“Eventually,” Lynusion murmured.
See the difference? Using dialogue tags other than said is okay in my book, just don't do it too much! If you have one character "whisper" don't make anther one "whisper back." Also keep in mind to make sure it matches with the scene and the character. If the scene requires them yelling, no one should be whispering or murmuring. Also, if you character is one to never talk in a soft voice, don't have them mutter or murmur either.
What do you think? Only "said" or is it okay ot use other tags when writing dialogue?
- Hero vs Nature
- Hero vs Technology
- Hero vs Himself
- Hero vs Someone Else (aka the Villian)
- Hero vs God
- Hero vs Society
- Hero vs Ideas
"I ask you again, why did you sell secrets about the Kinir Elite to Wizard Ackda?"
Rahder still said nothing. In a flash of movement, Derac leaned back on the table, planted his boot in the General's chest and shoved the elf and his chair backwards. The force of the kick caused Rahder’s feet to go over his head. The elf flipped into the wall.
Derac sat on the edge of the long table in the center of the room. General Rahder sat in front of him, hands tied together, resting in his lap. Sunlight steamed through the ceiling high windows, shining directlyl into the General's eyes. He squinted aginst the harsh light, making the scar on his cheek wrinkle.
"I ask you again, why did you sell secrets about the Kinir Elite to Wizard Ackda?" Derac said.
Anastasia is an author of High Fantasy novels enchanting adults to remember their imagination isn't gone just because they grew up.