Fantastic Friday Writers
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category:The Fantastic Friday Writers is a group of fantasy and science fiction writers. Instead of creating a brand new blog, our group posts on our own blogs - then the readers can hop around from one blog to another!
We blog every other Friday regarding topics related to the fantasy and sci-fi genres but we also talk about all fields of writing.
The list below is all the members of the Fantastic Friday Writers group.
Elizabeth Mueller
Fantasy writer. Mother of four children she has also finished 8 novels and 3 children's books! Check out her blog here: http://elizabethmueller.blogspot.com/.
J.D. Brown
Urban Fantasy writer. Author of Dark Heirloom, an book full of action, thrills, and a touch of romance. Check out her blog here: http://authorjdbrown.blogspot.com/ and her website http://authorjdbrown.com/.
Alex J. Cavanaugh
Science Fiction writer. Author of Cassastar, released October of 2010! Check out his blog here: http://alexjcavanaugh.blogspot.com/.
Deirdra Eden-Coppel
Fantasy writer. Her novels entice indulgence of the fine line between fact and fantasy. Check out her blog here: http://astorybookworld.blogspot.com/ and her website http://www.knightess.com/.
M. Pax
Science Fiction writer. Mary is also an ametuer astromer! Check out her blog here: http://mpaxauthor.blogspot.com/.
Jeffrey Beesler
Science Fiction writer. Author of The Flettleglag Force, will be published by Cyberwizard Productions. Check out his blog here: http://flettleglag.blogspot.com/.
Charlene A. Wilson
Fantasy writer. Author of Cornerstone Deep, published November 2010! Check out her blog here: http://charleneawilsonblog.blogspot.com/ and her website http://charleneawilson.com/.
Andrew J. Cooper
High Fantasy writer. Author of Nocturn, Son of the Night, recently e-pubbed and available on Amazon. Check out his blog here: http://andrewjcooper.wordpress.com/.
M. Pax
Science Fiction writer. Mary is also an ametuer astromer! Check out her blog here: http://mpaxauthor.blogspot.com/.
Jeffrey Beesler
Science Fiction writer. Author of The Flettleglag Force, will be published by Cyberwizard Productions. Check out his blog here: http://flettleglag.blogspot.com/.
Charlene A. Wilson
Fantasy writer. Author of Cornerstone Deep, published November 2010! Check out her blog here: http://charleneawilsonblog.blogspot.com/ and her website http://charleneawilson.com/.
Andrew J. Cooper
High Fantasy writer. Author of Nocturn, Son of the Night, recently e-pubbed and available on Amazon. Check out his blog here: http://andrewjcooper.wordpress.com/.
Anastasia V. Pergakis
High Fantasy writer. Author of Cleanse Fire, the first book in a fantasy adventure series. Check out her blog here: http://thelabotomyofawriter.blogspot.com/ and her website: http://avpergakis.com/.
Anastasia is an author of High Fantasy novels enchanting adults to remember their imagination isn't gone just because they grew up.