Writer Links
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category:
These are a few of my favorite links that I visit pretty much every day. Some of them are directly related to writing while others may be fun things - but inspiration can be found anywhere!
Keep in mind that I'm a fantasy writer, so most of the links below are for Fantasy and Sci-fi. But I do have others for all types of writers or other genres, as I save things I come across to add to my list here. The list is also a mix of information for traditional and indie/self published authors, so you're sure to find something you're looking for no matter what type of writer you are!
Many of these sites are also great for marketing and promotion. I included them here instead of under the "Marketing" header since they are more than only marketing. Others are just great communites to meet other writers or a place to gain inspiration, readers, and fans.
- Write or Die: Dr. Wicked's Writing Lab
- Seventh Sanctum - Writing
- Writers Knowledge Base (The Search Engine for Writers)
- Random Writing Prompt Generators
- Savvy Authors
- Writing.Com: Write On!
- 101 Websites for Writers
- Access the Pipeline
- Authornomy Writing Community
- Book Buzzr
- Coalition of Independent Authors and Publishers
- Drive Thru Fantasy: The Best in Downloadable Fantasy Titles
- Edit Minion
- Fansci Nook (Fantasy and Sci-Fi Books)
- Fantasy and Science Fiction Writing Community
- Fantasy Faction
- FantasyWriters.org
- WriteSF.com
- Infinite Worlds of Fantasy Authors Group
- Romance Divas
- Science Fiction and Fantasy World
- Independent Author Network (IAN)
- Indie Book Collective (IBC) (They have more sites as part of their extensive network for specific genres and more)
- Georgia Writers Association
- National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
- Script Frenzy
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer's of America
- World of Fantasy Yahoo Group
- Romance Writer's Of America: Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal Chapter
- New Pages: Good Reading Starts Here
Writing Tips & Advice
While many of the places listed under the general writing category have lots of advice, these links are blogs, single blog posts and other information I have found that has some great info or help for writers.
- The Naked Hero
- Edit Minion
- Editio: Self Publishing News, Tips, & Reviews
- The Book Designer (Joel Friedlander)
- 1st Turning Point -- Market your Series with These Three Steps
- Jane Friedman -- 5 Things Beginners Need to Know About E-Book Publishing
- Psychology Today -- 11 Types of Bad Writing Advice
- White Hot Truth -- 49 Promo Ideas: Simple, Grand, Tried n' True
- Aaron Shephards Publishing Blog
- Author Anastasia Rabiyah Writing Tips
- Open Book Society -- A-Z Mythical Creatures
- Terry Burns -- Word Count
- Novelist, Edit Thyself!
- The Book Shelf Muse Blog
- The Public Query Slushpile
- The Written Journey Sluggish Writing
- Virtual Book Signing (How To)
- Terrible Minds -- What It's Like Being a Writer
- M. Louisa Locke -- Why Self-Published Authors Know Best
- Advanced Fiction Writing -- Writing the Perfect scene
- Foner Books -- Print on Demand Publishing: Cost, Sales and Profit for Lightning Source
- Charlotte Dillon -- Sample Query Letter
- The Writer's Guide to E-Publishing: Tips, Resources, Real Numbers, and News
Contests & Conferences
These are a few places for writing contests and conferences. Some of these conferences are in my local area, Columbus, Georiga, and they are rather small conferences, but still fun to attend. (And I'd love to meet you if you come this way!)
- The Novel Workshop
- Grants & Awards: A Guide to Writing Contests
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Contest
- Sharp Writ Book Awards
- Stephanie Smith's Contest Chart for Writers
- 3-Day Novel Contest
- Bards and Sages Publishing - Indie First!
- Young Adult Novel Contest
- Columbus State University Carson McCuller Center Fellowships
- Chattahoochee Valley Writers' Conference
- Muse Online Con
- Faerie Con
- Fantasy Con
- Sci-Fi Con
- EPIC E-book Awards
- San Jose Fantasy Festival
This section has agents, publishers, self-publishing information, cover artists and more - basically all parts of publishing you could ever need is listed here, for easy finding on my long list here.
- Dutrope's Digest: A Resource for Fiction Writers and Poets
- 1,000 Literary Agents
- Preditors & Editors
- Romance Novel Covers (Model, Jimmy Thomas)
- Baen Books: Science Fiction & Fantasy
- CreateSpace.com
- DAW Publishing - Penguin Group (USA)
- Direidi Publishing: The Mischievious E-Book Publisher
- DK Renders - Cover Artist
- Cassandra - Freelance Book Editor
- Vamp Lit Publishing
- Lyrical Press
- Night Shade Books
- Online E-Book Converter (Note: I have not tested this myself. Double check yourself for reliability)
- Good NIght Publishing
- Preditors & Editors
- Rebel Tales
- Samhain Publishing
- Scribus: Open Source Desktop Publishing
- Scribus Wiki: How to Use Scribus
- Lightning Source POD Publisher
- Smashwords E-Book Publisher
- The Knigh Agency: Exceptional Literary Representation
- Bowker (ISBN Provider)
- Amazon Direct Publishing
- Barnes&Noble PubIt
- Funds For Writers
- Speculative Fiction Stories
- Audiobook Creation Exchange
- Dark Fire Productions (Audio Books)
These are magazines I either read or thought to share as they take author submissions for short stories and/or artwork. Again, most of these are fantasy/sci-fi related. A few also do reviews.
- Realms of Fantasy Magazine
- Cabinest Des Fees: A Journal of Fairy Tales
- Dante's Heart: Myth, Fairy Tale, Folklore, and Fantasy Journal
- Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine
- Fantasy Magazine: From Modern Mythcraft to Magical Surrealism
- Goblin ruit: Quarterly Journal of Fantastic Poetry
- Les Bonnes Fees: Fairy Tales, Folklore, and Everything Inbetween
- Mythic Imagination: Enliving the Imagination (Mythic Journeys Magazine)
- The Ante Review E-zine
- FAE: Faeries and Enchantment Magazine
- Faery Magazine
These are sites and facebook pages where you can promote your book. Keep in mind these places each have their own rules on what you can post and when, so please make sure you read all their information before posting! Also, a few of these are marketing companies that charge fees for their services. Again, make sure you read everything before you get into anything, so you know what to expect.
If you are looking for review places, I have another list for that that you can find here: Review Links.
- One True Media
- Kindlegraph
- Autography
- Goddess Fish Promotions
- Indie Book Bytes (Podcast)
- Author Roast & Toast
- Five Seas Ink: Giving Indie Authors a Voice
- Good Kindles: (Reviews & Recommendations)
- Library Thing
- Shelfari
- GoodReads
- Kindle Hot Picks
- Novel Publicity
- Novel Publicity (Facebook)
- Open Library
- The Book Boost
- Reading Kindle (Facebook)
- Nook B&N (Facebook)
- Nook Love (Facebook)
- Amazon Kindle Books (Facebook) (Readers asking for specific recommendations!!)
- Good Kindles (Facebook)
- Kindle (Facebook)
- Indie Author Rock Star
- Books 2 Heart
- Fantasy Readers
- iWrite
- Story E-Books
- World's Buggest Free Book-Winning Site
- 40 Book Promoting Sites (From epublishabook.com)
This section has places that can be important to your writing career - information, promotional items (like making bookmarks), and more.
- U.S. Copyright Office
- Stanfrord Copyright & Fair Use Center
- Public Domain Images
- Freeplay Music Library/a>
- Mail Chimp (Newsletter)
- Tiny Letter (Newsletter)
- Vista Print (Bookmarks, Business Cards, etc)
- GotPrint.Net (Bookmarks, Business Cards, etc)>
- Over Night Prints (Business Cards, Flyers, Brochures, etc)
- Mr. Linky
- Visibli
Extras and Fun Stuff
As the title says, these links are some extra things you might find useful or at least give you a good laugh to keep going in this tough industry.
- Wordle Word Clouds
- Liquid Story Binder
- yWriter5 Writing Software
- AutoREALM Map Maker
- 3D-Box Maker (Cover Art)
- Writing Quotes
- Slush Pile Hell
- Paper.li (Create a paper from twitter and facebook keywords/hashtags)
- A 12 Step Program for Writers
- Critique Circle Word Meter Builder
Anastasia is an author of High Fantasy novels enchanting adults to remember their imagination isn't gone just because they grew up.