Rejection Surprisingly Feels Great!

Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category:

I planned to post about character building today, but I have to share something.

I got my first rejection letter!

I pitched my novel in a live chat pitch sessions during Muse Con as you might have heard on twitter and facebook. Both requested to see partials of my manuscript. One of those pitches was to acquisitions editor Heather Howland at Crescent Moon Press. It was a good rejection letter in the sense that Heather took the time to give some great suggestions for how to improve my story.

I didn't cry as I thought I would for my first rejection and I think that is because of the wonderful advice given in it. It wasn't a form rejection. Sure, I was dissapointed. I think for me I've just been writing and writing and editing and editing for so long and doing nothing about it, that I was actually glad for a rejection. For me at least I was making the next step. I didn't continue to just sit on my manuscript and hate myself for not being published yet. Well, guess what I discovered? You can't get published if you don't submit and get rejected a few times!

So, in a weird way, I'm sort of happy. I made the next step. I'm ready to keep moving forward in this direction. Like I said, I am a bit sad that I didn't get an excited "send it right now!" I actually gained a bit of confidence in this venture. I'm no longer just sitting on my MS feeling sorry for myself. I bit the bullet and jumped in feet first. And that is a great feeling.

I tried. Even though it was a no, I tried. I made that first step. I would have regretted not doing it more than any amount of rejection.

What do I do now? Well, I'm going to head back to my MS. Heather had some good points for me that I want to put into effect.

She said the plot was a little rushed. Which is funny. The specific parts she mentioned where I push the story ahead a week in a single sentence or two months in a paragraph were the same spots where I thought I would slow down the story if I added any more detail. But instead, I was rushing it by not having that detail in there. Adding it in will be good because I get to explore more about the hero and heroine after they first meet.

But, she did like the relationship between the hero and heroine! That made me happy, especially since their relationship had been difficult to portray in writing for me. She also liked the premise of the story, so I think I'm good on that point. Just need to fix the tempo.

Once I add in those extra details, I'll start submitting to more agents and publishers. Can you re-submit to the same publisher/agent? I don't know if that works or not. Do you guys know anything about it? Is it tabboo to resubmit or what? Please let me know!

9 Responses to "Rejection Surprisingly Feels Great!"

J. D. Brown Says :
October 25, 2010 at 1:45 PM

Aww, babes! I'm so proud of you for wanting to "get back on the horse" and not just fall off and cry. :) Yes, you can re-submit to the same publisher. I know with an agent, you're supposed to wait at least 6 months before you re-submit, but I don't know what the rule is for editors/publishers. Maybe do a little research or ask around on Twitter.

Eric W. Trant Says :
October 25, 2010 at 3:20 PM

Sticking with JD's horse analogy, there's another saying, and it's this: If you ride and don't fall, you're not riding hard enough.

Congrats on your first fall!

That she took the time to respond says something, and you see that. I can't imagine she wouldn't want to see a second, more polished manuscript. I say go ahead and resubmit, it certainly can't hurt!

- Eric

Charity Bradford Says :
October 25, 2010 at 3:42 PM

Woot woot! Welcome to the club. That first fall is almost a relief isn't it? Now you know you can handle it.

At least you received some great tips on how to improve the story. I just got my 8th rejection. Now I'm starting to feel a flutter of "what if??" each time, and I even have 2 partials out.

But you just never know.

Franklin Beaumont Says :
October 25, 2010 at 5:32 PM

Congratulations! All your first rejection means is that you're in the game - and a personalised rejection letter is more than many writers get first time out.

Anastasia V. Pergakis Says :
October 25, 2010 at 9:31 PM

J.D. - Thanks for the info! I'll give it the six months anyway, as I'm sure once I start improving chapter 1, I'll have to work on the rest of it again. But hey! It'll be all the better for it, right? Thanks for being there for me Jen! I love you!

Eric - Thanks Eric! You're right, it can't hurt. I'll definitely resubmit once it's polished better.

Charity - Ooo yay I'm a club member now. Do we have a secret club house and hand shake? You're right, you never know. Keep plugging along Charity. You'll find the right one. Stephen King's "Carrie" was rejected over 20 times I believe before it was accepted.

Franklin - You're right. I'm honored that it was personalized with some great advice. It did make the rejection that much easier to swallow for sure!

Anonymous Says :
October 26, 2010 at 6:48 PM

This sounds promising. Personal rejects rock, especially ones like these, but I understand how some editors or agents didn't have time to send me one. You're getting there.

Anastasia V. Pergakis Says :
October 27, 2010 at 4:47 AM

Medeia - Yes, I'm glad it was personalized. It made it so much easier to take. Thanks for stopping by!

Walter Knight Says :
November 5, 2010 at 11:22 AM

I feel your pain. I got rejection letters for two years. I just kept writing. Eventually I was attaching a dozen manuscripts to the same query letter. THAT could not be ignored, and publisher at least started reading.

Keep writing. do lots of sequels.

Anastasia V. Pergakis Says :
November 5, 2010 at 12:01 PM

Walter - Thanks for the comment! Wow, multiple MSs to one query letter? That's amazing. I do have two series in the works and an idea for a few others. Thanks for the encouragement! I'll definately keep trying!

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