Hi everyone! You read the title right, it's a blogfest of sorts (and a Twitter party)! In honor of this being my 150th post, I just had to have a party, so here is a great blogfest that's sure to be lots of fun!
The rules are very simple!
1. Sign up with the Mr. Linky below.
2. At midnight on Nov 28, start writing! (Start at midnight YOUR time)
3. Try to reach 10,000 words by midnight! (literally 24 hours of writing!)
4. On Nov 29, post an excerpt (small scene) from what you wrote on your blog! Don't forget to post your count for the day!
On the 28th, join me on Twitter as I post updates and encouragement! Use the hashtag #10KInADay. My Twitter name is @AVPergakis. If you want, leave your twitter name in a comment below so everyone can follow you!
Don't put too much stress on reaching 10,000 words in one day. Perhaps you can only get 5,000, that's great too! This idea originally started by Dawn Embers during NaNoWriMo to get going with meeting word count. I joined her in the challenge and it helped me get caught up! Use this blogfest as chance to get caught up on NaNo (or even just get a huge lead on your writing!) Just have fun with it!
Don't forget to sign up below and join us on Twitter on the 28th!
Thanks Christopher for the suggestion to make a button! Here it is! Enjoy!

The rules are very simple!
1. Sign up with the Mr. Linky below.
2. At midnight on Nov 28, start writing! (Start at midnight YOUR time)
3. Try to reach 10,000 words by midnight! (literally 24 hours of writing!)
4. On Nov 29, post an excerpt (small scene) from what you wrote on your blog! Don't forget to post your count for the day!
On the 28th, join me on Twitter as I post updates and encouragement! Use the hashtag #10KInADay. My Twitter name is @AVPergakis. If you want, leave your twitter name in a comment below so everyone can follow you!
Don't put too much stress on reaching 10,000 words in one day. Perhaps you can only get 5,000, that's great too! This idea originally started by Dawn Embers during NaNoWriMo to get going with meeting word count. I joined her in the challenge and it helped me get caught up! Use this blogfest as chance to get caught up on NaNo (or even just get a huge lead on your writing!) Just have fun with it!
Don't forget to sign up below and join us on Twitter on the 28th!
Thanks Christopher for the suggestion to make a button! Here it is! Enjoy!

I have a horrible feeling I'm going to need this! Thanks for the motivational push.
Sounds like a good time.
I will cheer you on from the sidelines. I'm knee deep in edits right now and can't spare the time.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Awesome idea. I suspect I'll need that 10k push as well, on something :-D (twitter is @aszreal)
This sounds like a lovely idea!
For now I will cheer you all on though. We will see. I may REALYL need this but I don't know if I can do 10k in a day again... hmm. YOU GUYS WRITE FAST!
This sounds great! I can't do it though :( I need a time machine LOL
Good luck to everyone else though!
Yay! *signs up* I almost forgot to check for this post, lol. Would be bad if I didn't sign up for it. ;-) See you on the 28th and we'll get a writing.
I'm In Like Flynn!! I'm not doing Nano this year so this new project I'm just beginning will get a nice big kick in the tush! Thanks for hosting!
Hey, try to come up with some kind of representative picture or Blogfest logo or button that we all can put on our pages to link back to you.
Just a suggestion
Though I'm technically not doing NaNo anymore, I'll give this a try just for the fun of it. :)
I could use a kick in the rear for NaNo...why not?