This post is going to cover a few things, so let's get into the thick of it shall we?
Blog Award!

Woot! I lurves getting blog awards! They make me happy (and warm and fuzzy inside!) So, this one I got twice in the span of a few hours - which made me oober happy! (I don't spell it with a u because I'm awesome like that!)
Both Mia and Dawn gave me this award and I am so thankful and honored that they think I'm Prolific!
1. Haley Jo at A Journey through the Mind
2. Tamra at Chasing Dreams
3. Charity at My Writing Journey
4. Shannon at Ramblings of a Wanna be Scribe
Okay, I only gave out four here because Mia went on an awarding rampage and awarded everyone on MY list too! So.....I picked four awesome bloggers and people that she had NOT tagged. But there are many more, but I just could not make the final cut for #5. Just know, I love all of you who follow me and those that write the 100+ blogs that I follow!
...and now for the bad news
Lately I have gotten behind with my work. I'm late grading assignments (again this month), I have only finished one chapter of my rewrite this month (goal was 9 chapters), and the only reason why I'm making any blog posts at all is because people are giving me stuff to blog about. I don't comment on the blogs I follow that much anymore (super guilty about that), and my website progress has come to a stand still (though all that is left really is to copy and paste my book stuff on there for the novel pages). And, I am trying to set up a workshop that I will be running next month.
My brain is literally fried at the moment!
I have a super busy schedule as you all can learn about here, a post I made at Simply Certifiable - another blog that I write for.
But what do I do? I can't take a break - or at least I feel like I can't. I have commitments! People counting on me! Workshop, the Academy, my own writing! But alas I feel a break is definitely needed. So here is my proposal on how to refresh my brain, but not give up on my responsibilities.
I will NOT log into Twitter for a whole week.
I will NOT go into WDC chat for a whole week. (Unless workshop things demand it- but I will force myself to leave as soon as business is concluded.)
I WILL log off the computer at a reasonable time (as in midnight or earlier!) for a whole week.
Thursday, May 27 - am: I will get the workshop stuff ready to go. (Week 4 will be partially complete as I am waiting on some email replies to finish it up.)
Thursday, May 27 - pm: Organize my desk for a better writing environment! (and easier finding of things)
Friday, May 28 - am: BREAK TIME (Won't even get on the computer!)
Friday, May 28 - pm: Finish TWO chapters of my novel rewrite.
Saturday, May 29 - am: BREAK TIME (No computer again)
Saturday, May 29 - pm: Finish two more chapters of my novel rewrite.
Sunday, May 30 - am: BREAK TIME (No computer!)
Sunday, May 30 - pm: Grade Academy assignments and post the new lessons.
Monday, May 31 - am: BREAK TIME (No computer!)
Monday, May 31 - pm: Finish two more chapters of my novel rewrite.
Tuesday, June 1 - am: Post up first days work for the workshop - but otherwise, no computer!
Tuesday, June 1 - pm: Finish two chapters of my novel rewrite
Wednesday, June 2 - am: Check on workshop ONLY! No other computer stuff!
Wednesday, June 2 - pm: Finish one chapter of my novel rewrite
Thursday, June 3 - am: Check on workshop ONLY! No other computer stuff!
Thursday, June 3 - pm: Make a list of blog topics for the month so that I am not panicing and writing at the last minute! (Feel free to leave suggestions for this people!)
So, there it is. Sounds like a plan to me! Plenty of down time and I get the most important things I need to do accomplished. During this time, I will be using the auto-post feature for the blog. A few of you may have read these entries over at "Scriven's Ink" but I think they will do nicely being posted here too. I won't be reading your comments as often as I used to, but please know that I will read every single one when I come back full speed next Thursday.
Now don't get me wrong. I love my busy hectic life and wouldn't have it any other way - but sometimes, I just need a break - we all do.
I will see you all next Thursday, and I hope you enjoy the auto-posted stuff that will be up during this week.
Blog Award!
Woot! I lurves getting blog awards! They make me happy (and warm and fuzzy inside!) So, this one I got twice in the span of a few hours - which made me oober happy! (I don't spell it with a u because I'm awesome like that!)
Both Mia and Dawn gave me this award and I am so thankful and honored that they think I'm Prolific!
1. Haley Jo at A Journey through the Mind
2. Tamra at Chasing Dreams
3. Charity at My Writing Journey
4. Shannon at Ramblings of a Wanna be Scribe
Okay, I only gave out four here because Mia went on an awarding rampage and awarded everyone on MY list too! So.....I picked four awesome bloggers and people that she had NOT tagged. But there are many more, but I just could not make the final cut for #5. Just know, I love all of you who follow me and those that write the 100+ blogs that I follow!
...and now for the bad news
Lately I have gotten behind with my work. I'm late grading assignments (again this month), I have only finished one chapter of my rewrite this month (goal was 9 chapters), and the only reason why I'm making any blog posts at all is because people are giving me stuff to blog about. I don't comment on the blogs I follow that much anymore (super guilty about that), and my website progress has come to a stand still (though all that is left really is to copy and paste my book stuff on there for the novel pages). And, I am trying to set up a workshop that I will be running next month.
My brain is literally fried at the moment!
I have a super busy schedule as you all can learn about here, a post I made at Simply Certifiable - another blog that I write for.
But what do I do? I can't take a break - or at least I feel like I can't. I have commitments! People counting on me! Workshop, the Academy, my own writing! But alas I feel a break is definitely needed. So here is my proposal on how to refresh my brain, but not give up on my responsibilities.
I will NOT log into Twitter for a whole week.
I will NOT go into WDC chat for a whole week. (Unless workshop things demand it- but I will force myself to leave as soon as business is concluded.)
I WILL log off the computer at a reasonable time (as in midnight or earlier!) for a whole week.
Thursday, May 27 - am: I will get the workshop stuff ready to go. (Week 4 will be partially complete as I am waiting on some email replies to finish it up.)
Thursday, May 27 - pm: Organize my desk for a better writing environment! (and easier finding of things)
Friday, May 28 - am: BREAK TIME (Won't even get on the computer!)
Friday, May 28 - pm: Finish TWO chapters of my novel rewrite.
Saturday, May 29 - am: BREAK TIME (No computer again)
Saturday, May 29 - pm: Finish two more chapters of my novel rewrite.
Sunday, May 30 - am: BREAK TIME (No computer!)
Sunday, May 30 - pm: Grade Academy assignments and post the new lessons.
Monday, May 31 - am: BREAK TIME (No computer!)
Monday, May 31 - pm: Finish two more chapters of my novel rewrite.
Tuesday, June 1 - am: Post up first days work for the workshop - but otherwise, no computer!
Tuesday, June 1 - pm: Finish two chapters of my novel rewrite
Wednesday, June 2 - am: Check on workshop ONLY! No other computer stuff!
Wednesday, June 2 - pm: Finish one chapter of my novel rewrite
Thursday, June 3 - am: Check on workshop ONLY! No other computer stuff!
Thursday, June 3 - pm: Make a list of blog topics for the month so that I am not panicing and writing at the last minute! (Feel free to leave suggestions for this people!)
So, there it is. Sounds like a plan to me! Plenty of down time and I get the most important things I need to do accomplished. During this time, I will be using the auto-post feature for the blog. A few of you may have read these entries over at "Scriven's Ink" but I think they will do nicely being posted here too. I won't be reading your comments as often as I used to, but please know that I will read every single one when I come back full speed next Thursday.
Now don't get me wrong. I love my busy hectic life and wouldn't have it any other way - but sometimes, I just need a break - we all do.
I will see you all next Thursday, and I hope you enjoy the auto-posted stuff that will be up during this week.
First off, love the new layout! At some point I'll have to redo my blog away from the standard template I've been using as a startup.
I like that black-winged angel.
Anyway, take a break as needed to regenerate.
I get obsessed with my writing and hole up for too long. Someone says, "Dude, you need to take a break. You're obsessed. Get on meds or something."
And I say, "If it's not an obsession, it ain't writing!"
- Eric
Thanks for the award! I totally know what it's like to be swamped and feel like you're not getting anything done. Andn I also have my own spelling for things! Like 'urked.' I think that looks so much better than 'irked.' ha!
Aw, thanks so much for thinking of me for the award. *tear*
And that sounds like a very good plan. I had to take similar drastic action when I was trying to meet my agent's deadline. It felt weird at first, but it helped, and I've actually kept up some of the habits even now.
Good luck with everything!
Um, haha, good choices and sorry for stealing all yours! I did sort of go on a rampage BUT only because I hate leaving people out AND I had been holding onto that one for aaages :)
And ALSO all the people I gave it to were cool.
I am doing this as soon as May is over, shutting down and taking a break from interneting because MAN I'm behind :( So I understand