Fantastic Friday Writers - The White Rabbit
Author: Anastasia V. Pergakis // Category: Fantastic Friday Writers
I know I’ve been absent as of late and I apologize! I announced a while back that I was going to enter the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award so the editing has taken up all of my time outside of family and school.
BUT, I’m here now and that’s what counts right? This week, for Fantastic Friday writers, we are talking about how we find the time to write especially since many of us have jobs, kids, and school. Heck, some have a combination of all three!
I’ve talked about my crazy schedule on this blog before, but for the new readers, I’ll give a brief recap.
- I’m a stay at home mom – just me and the little man most of the day while hubby is at work.
- I am going to school to earn my bachelors degree in business.
- I have created two online businesses, one of which is open! (Check it out! Anastasia Creatives). The other is nearly there and will be open in by the end of February.
- I moderate writing workshops on Savvy Authors.
- I participate in 3 different blogs, including my own. (Okay, mine falls behind a bit a lot of the times but with everything else can you blame me!?)
- I belong to a solid critique group that I talk to every single day. (Okay, they’re my best friends, but seriously, they rock.)
- AND I write and edit and create cover art and build book trailers and make websites for my friends.
I’ve had many people ask me how in the world I find the time to do all these things and the answer is quite simple.
I don’t have a set schedule, (like I could follow one anyway), I don’t have a nanny or a babysitter, or a maid and my son isn’t old enough to be in school yet. I just do it. Because I love to do it, because I have to do it, because I want to do it.
Sure, I do go a few nights without sleep but I’m willing to sacrifice a little sleep to follow my dreams.
So, if I was to give any advice to my fellow writers out there, here is a bit of wisdom I learned from AA of all places.
If you want it badly enough then you’ll make it happen. (In AA we add, “Remember the lengths you would go to get a drink and apply that same energy to something positive.)
And one last note - Don’t make excuses! JUST DO IT!
Anastasia is an author of High Fantasy novels enchanting adults to remember their imagination isn't gone just because they grew up.