
06 December 2010

Office Tour and Character Cafe (Vlog)

Today, I decided to give you guys a tour of my office. Yes, it's spic and span just for this occasion, but normally, there are papers and candy wrappers scattered all over the place! Enjoy!

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  1. You have an awesome office :) I SO love the picture you have on the wall! Very impressive.

    When I get the time I will check out all the links. Great post, mate :) Thanks for sharing with us.

    Frankie will not be pleased with you hahaha!!

  2. Kurt: Thanks! I'm happy with it. And I'll love it even more when I get the rest of the pictures and things hung up. Nothing better than fantasy themed glow in the dark puzzles on the wall to inspire me! Woot!

    Yes, I pray Frankie won't kill me!

  3. Love your office. Turning the windows into dry erase boards is awesome!


    And seriously, read Cornerstone Deep you guys! ;)

  4. Ana, you are such a doll. I'm so glad you enjoyed Cornerstone Deep.
    Thank you too, Jen. You guys are the best. :)

  5. I surfed over to check out your office tour. Thanks for the tip, Kiddo!
    Okay, I said that just to get you all twisted. ;)
    Seriously, it is always cool to actually get to see you. The whole time I was thinking about what I should do for my next Vlog. Hmm? Anyway, great office. The windows are a very cool idea. Looking out the window only distracts anyway, right?
    Take care,

  6. I love the desk Anastasia! It looks cool for a computer table, writing desk and a book shelf to be in one piece of furniture. Quite convenient and the windows add much to it. Whiteboards will do better than paper, I suggest. That way, you need not change notes from time to time. :)


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