
23 December 2010

Heroine Archetype - The Nurturer

The Nurturer doesn't necessarily mean a mother, so we'll talk about what make up this heroine archetype today. She is the counter part to the Hero Archetype, the Best Friend.

Here is a reminder of what I said in the first post when the ladies stripped.

The Nurturer
Not necessarily "Mom" or "Suzy Homemaker" but she definitely takes care of everyone. She's the best listener and very optimisitic. She works hard to make sure everyone around her is happy.

Now, let's dig a little deeper into this type of character!

The Good Side

>Very optimistic type of person
>A great listener
>Always sees the good in people and situations (the silver lining so to speak)
>Keeps her cool in an emergency

The Bad Side

>Often suffers emotionally for a long time
>Never gives up (ever)
>Has a need to fix everything and everyone
>Too generous (door mat)

Again, some of the good side and bad side can be used the opposite way if done correctly (or incorrectly!) So when creating a character that is a nurturer, see which of all of these traits you can use to create a unique and 3D character.


> Maria in The Sound of Music (played by Julie Andrews)
> Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins (played by Julie Andrews too!)
> Leigh Anne Tuohy in The Blind Side (played by Julia Roberts)

What other examples of a Nurturer type can you think of? Do you have any nurturers in your stories? Tell us about her!

Remember that these archetypes are simply the basic materials to help you mold your characters. Many characters fall under more than one archetype. Think about some of the great combinations you can create for your characters as these posts continue.

Coming Next: Heroine Archetype - The Waif


  1. I'll tuck this away for future female characters!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Alex! It's great to 'see' you here!

  3. A note: Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne Tuohy in The Blind Side.


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